
Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho Tengachaya-cho
Tengachaya Notes
Texts and photographs : Yann Becker
Japanese translation : Takashi Morimoto

36 colour pages, bilingual French-English edition, Osaka, 2012

“Tengachaya Notes” tell the story of life in Tengachaya, a working-class neighbourhood in the southern part of Osaka. The texts and photographs reveal traces of the old town of Osaka where the inhabitants retain the memories of what is gradually disappearing in Japan. They tell the stories of the past in a generous and mischievous way.

“Suddenly I can feel the relation between people and things. The worn faces tell the same story as the patina of the houses. Both say that time goes by inexorably, life appears and comes undone. While out for a walk in Tengachaya, time’s toll is tangible, it creates a picturesque painting of a fine, colourful touch, of darkness and light, of intersecting lines that slump and sag.”
文章・写真 : ヤン・ベッカー
フランス語翻訳 : 森本 喬

2012年 カラー36ページ/フランス語・日本語2カ国語/大阪で刊行


  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
  • Tengachaya-cho
Tengachaya Notes / 天下茶屋貼
Texts and photographs : Yann Becker
Japanese translation : Takashi Morimoto

36 colour pages, bilingual French-English edition, Osaka, 2012

“Tengachaya Notes” tell the story of life in Tengachaya, a working-class neighbourhood in the southern part of Osaka. The texts and photographs reveal traces of the old town of Osaka where the inhabitants retain the memories of what is gradually disappearing in Japan. They tell the stories of the past in a generous and mischievous way.

“Suddenly I can feel the relation between people and things. The worn faces tell the same story as the patina of the houses. Both say that time goes by inexorably, life appears and comes undone. While out for a walk in Tengachaya, time’s toll is tangible, it creates a picturesque painting of a fine, colourful touch, of darkness and light, of intersecting lines that slump and sag.”
文章・写真 : ヤン・ベッカー
日本語翻訳 : 森本 喬

2012年 カラー36ページ/フランス語・日本語2カ国語/大阪で刊行


「突然私は人と物とのつながりを強く感じる。今しがたの人々の表情が古色蒼然とした家と同じような歴史を物語っている。 無情にすぎていく時の流れ、命というものが生まれ、そして消え去ってしまうことを彼らは一様に口にする。 天下茶屋を散策すると時の過ぎ行く先が実感となる。 時と言うものは繊細な色の配合と、光の影、切れたりたわんだりする線から創られたものである。」